Projekti 2020./2021.

Wellness 4 Eating, Education, Exercising & eMotional Learning

W4 is based upon connectedness. Our wellbeing & its interconnection with our life style.The life of human is connected to body & mind, moral & mortal, mental & material, emotional & artificial intelligence. Our motivation lays on the right agency & action of people to drive change for themselves & for the world. Our strategy provides inspiration for the whole people.**blog:
Blog is based upon connectedness. Our wellbeing & its interconnection with our life style.The life of human is connected to body & mind, moral & mortal, mental & material, emotional & artificial intelligence. Our motivation lays on the right agency & action of people to drive change for themselves & for the world. Our strategy provides inspiration for the whole people.The primary subject of education is the human being. If we make the world better for kids, we make it better for everyone. On achieving this our major goal is to respond to contemporary global challenges. We try to transform lives, design a healthy learning atmosphere create subjective well being, quality education. On the contrary we try to prevent violence, failure to drive a sustainable development. 

Our methodology is updating the education curriculum via. The big5model, Conscientiousness, Extraversio Openness to  experience, emotiona stability, Agreeableness.


Time capsule: "Leave a message to the future" 

The Project aims to make the people aware of the today's problems such as pollution, abuse, discrimination, etc. The students will write a letter to future generations in order to make them aware of these problems and to tell them not to do the same mistakes we have done so far. The students will be able to evaluate their and others' lifestyles and find their mistakes to give advice to the future generations blog 


Medo ambasador Europskog parlamenta putuje Lijepom Našom 

Program Škola ambasador Europskog parlamenta provodi se u u Hrvatskoj od šk. god. 2016./2017. Program je prve godine okupio trinaest škola, a od školske godine 2019./2020. preko pedeset škola sudjeluje u programu. Cilj ovog projekta je okupiti na jednom mjestu sve škole uključene u program. Tijekom projekta, zajednička poveznica svim školama bio bi medvjedić ambasador Europskog parlamenta. Medvjedić je već 2018. godine, tijekom Europske godine kulturne baštine, putovao Europskom unijom. Na novom bi putovanju upoznao Lijepu Našu. Posjetio bi svaku Školu ambasadoricu Europskog parlamenta, družio se sa ambasadorima seniorima i ambasadorima juniorima te upoznao kulturno-povijesnu baštinu Hrvatske. U razdoblju od svibnja 2020. do lipnja 2021. Škole ambasadori EP (ambasadori seniori i juniori) povezali bi se, međusobno predstavili, stvorili zajedničku bazu podataka i kreirali digitalne materijale o sebi i putovanju medvjedića ambasadora po cijeloj Hrvatskoj. Medvjedić bi putovao i po EU.



Photography in my life

The project aims at boosting the students' skills in language and visual products creation, like pictures. Every month the teachers will select a topic (street photography, places, people,still life) students will take pictures. Then every student will explain the meaning of the pictures in a short paragraph, or a title, a sentence.


Entrepreneurship for life / Poduzetništvo za život  

Develop students' entrepreneurial skills in terms of creating business ideas, designing business plans, as well as their realization in the school context.
Project phases:
- determining the level of students' entrepreneurial competencies
- training on business planning
- generating ideas and their implementation by designing a business plan
- presenting business plans. /Kod učenika razviti vještine poduzetničkog promišljanja u vidu osmišljavanja poslovnih ideja, izrade poslovnih planova, kao i realizacije poslovnih ideja u školskom okruženju.
Faze projekta:
- istraživanje razine poduzetničkih kompetencija kod učenika
- edukacija učenika o poslovnom planiranju
- osmišljavanje ideja i implementacija kroz izradu poslovnog plana
- prezentacija poslovnih planova.


Building sustainable economies and societies in Europe 

In this eTwinning project we would first like to explore the need for sustainable development due to climate change and environmental destruction, secondly study all aspects of sustainability and thirdly examine how sustainability is put into action in Europe and in our home towns. The students participating in this project will work in multi-national teams on project assignments or sub-projects to explore the topic of sustainability. The different teams will use the most communication networks today and share the results of their exchange. All results of the different assignments will be uploaded to the TwinSpace which operates as a learning platform, communication hub and is the main product of this project. As the students have to collaborate in international teams they have to communicate in English and improve their language skills that way. Additionally they will improve their digital skills by working on the TwinSpace and its tools like the TwinBoard and other web 2.0 tools..


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