Projekti 2021./2022.

Judita Marko Marulić 500 godina prvotiska

Projekt Marko Marulić osmišljen je s ciljem obilježavanja 500. obljetnice objavljivanja Marulićeve Judite kroz suradnju partner škola diljem Republike Hrvatske te zajedničkom izradom interaktivnih e-radova i e-knjige u web alatu Book Creatoru.


Virtualni sajam vježbeničkih tvrtki

Virtualni sajam vježbeničkih tvrtki namijenjen je učenicima srednjih škola koji se u svom radu susreću s nastavnim predmetom Vježbenička tvrtka.Na sajam je moguće prijaviti timove od tri učenika i neograničeni broj vježbeničkih tvrtki po pojedinoj školi. Svaka škola koja sudjeluje u ovom projektu dužna je imenovati i ocjenjivača koji ne smije biti i mentor. Virtualni sajam omogućuje učenicima stjecanje iskustva sajamskog poslovanja kroz različite alate na način da se sve odvija digitalno (od prijave, učitavanja materijala, vrednovanja i proglašavanja pobjednika).U svrhu dodatnog motiviranja učenika i mentora pronašli smo sponzore koji su voljni simboličnim poklonima nagraditi tri najuspješnija tima na sajmu. Više informacija o Virtualnom sajmu vježbeničkih tvrtki pronađite na sljedećim stranicama: LINK 


Galaxy Protectors   

In our project, our students will have scientific knowledge about space and universe entities such as planets, galaxies, stars, and satellites. In addition, through the stories we create through these beings, he will have basic human values such as respect, love, goodness, ethics, benevolence, and tolerance about being a good person. Our stories will be created with the P4C method and will provide students with deep and philosophical thinking. Will make sense by living with drama. In this way, he will be able to focus on the essence of values that he is not aware of in daily life. It will gain awareness. STEM approach will be applied in some studies.


Letras Galegas 2021 - Xela Arias

Letras galegas, é un proxecto eTwinning, que naceu como concurso de marcapáxinas e edición tras edición foise completando con outras actividades colaborativas entre varios centros europeos, difundindo deste xeito a lingua e literatura galegas.Neste ano levaremos a cabo o concurso de marcapáxinas sobre a figura homenaxeada nas Letras Galegas 2021, Xela Arias.


Cosplay: "Mythological Characters"

This Project aims to increase knowledge and interaction between multiple mythological cultures and their histories. The students whom will be participating will examine the mythological characters in their own country. They will choose a character and prepare a cosplay. On a date chosen by the partners, the students will present their performances. Thanks to this projects, they will be able to learn the mythological characters in their own culture and present them to the other students from different countries. Thus, they will have a cultural interaction. They will also advance both their communication and speaking skills in English. 


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