Projekti 2023./2024.

Let´s participate in EU election together 2024.

The project will be implemented through a series of activities for students from EU countries and will enable students to learn more about democratic processes through the use of ICT tools and the creation of creative solutions/group/individual works. The activities that will be carried out through the eTwinning project in 2023/2024 will include introducing students to the EU institutions, the elections for the EU Parliament and the possibilities of the EU. Then participation and organization in the implementation of meetings with local/regional representatives and/or representatives in the EU Parliament. 

The project aims to develop skills: - Development of communication skills and knowledge about economics and politics - Development of literacy, acquisition of new knowledge about ICT literacy by applying new tools - Writing skills, strengthening social and interactive skills through working in international teams - Report formatting - Strengthening of mother and foreign languages - Team work, strengthening of social and interactive skills through work in international teams - International and intercultural cooperation - Conduct quantitative research (2024 EU election results) - Based on the realized activities, create a promotional film about the EU Elections in 2024, from different angles of the EU. 

A group of students from each participating country chooses one political option from the EU parliament or representatives from their country according to political options, which they will monitor during the project and analyze the results of the 2024 EU Election at the end of the election. In order to present their analysis of the selected group, each group should make a short promotional film about the situation they are analyzing while respecting copyright and fair use. All groups together publish their films about promotional activities on their TwinSpace. Teachers and students comment on promotional films on TwinSpace to use the twinspace chat or forum. Students then conduct analysis and research on the EU institutions, the election process for the EU parliament and the possibilities of the EU. International research is conducted between the countries participating in the project through compiled questions or topics for discussion. Based on the collected data, a promotional film about the 2024 EU Elections will be made, from different angles of the EU.


Young Writers

The project was aimed for students aged 15 – 16 . The main goal of the project was designed to encourage students to express themselves through the written word and digital media. The goal of this project was to develop student skills, create content and share work with other students. Through a series of creative activities, students used various Web2 tools, designed posters and logos, created images and an e-book.The aim of project· Improving the communication skills of our student· Supporting the personal development of our students· To ensure that our students get to know themselves, their environment and their schools. 


Fake News War

Our students grow with Social media nowadays. They receive every day a lot of news and some of them are fake. What is exactly a fake new and who produce them (and why)? How can they distinguish between true and false facts? How can they help parents and other people to understand how to find their way in this chaotic world? With our partners we can collect a list of famous fake news and create a board game that show people how is dangerous to allow these fake news to circulate. The title of the project is referred to the fact that a game is e competition ( a war) but also to the fact that today fake news are a new powerful weapon.


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